Kml Builder help  
Style Maps Tab

Lists all Shared Style Maps for the current Document feature. You can add/remove Style Maps from this list.

Each Style Map must have a unique id and the id must follow a strict naming convention. Essentially use A-Z, a-z, underscore, dash and 0-9. The id must start with a letter or underscore.

Set the Normal and Highlight style for the selected style map.

If you double-click the selected Normal or Highlight list item, the Styles tab will show with the selected Style ready for edit.

Be careful when clicking in the Normal or Highlight lists, there is no undo. Use a naming strategy to help knowing which style belongs to which style map.

You can use a Normal and/or Highlight Style that comes from an external style file.

For example, you can use:



Visit Google KML Reference  for more information.


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